Wills, Probate, and Estates in San Saba County

One of the most important task you will perform is the planning and management of your estate, of which a will is a piece of that puzzle.

Nothing on the planet can cause a family to disintegrate faster than an improperly planned, executed, and/or probated estate.

Is that the legacy you want to leave behind? Do you want your entire hard earned value-store to go down in flames when it could have grown to be something that is world impacting? Do you want to be something more like Ford or like Flop?

This is where having Marcus come in early to help is critical. First of all, you need to consider all of the participants involved, then how each participant connects, along with your desires for your good name to continue.

Without proper legal treatment – structure (trusts, LLCs, etc.), wills, letters of instructions, deeds, and so much more, you can make the difference between leaving behind a blessing or a messing.