LLC, LLP, LLLP, C Corp, S-Corp Legal Services

In many ways, forming an LLC, for example, and operating out of a near-West Texas area is fairly easy.

Or is it?

Have you used the right formation? Many people say “go ask an accountant” and that is PART OF THE PUZZLE. However, one of the BIG THREE benefits of owning an LLC (for example) is the idea of limited liability. Screw that up and your neighbor will be BBQing in your back yard because they sued you and won.

Here are some of the questions that forming your legal entity with Marcus Wood can help you get a handle on:

  • Am I using the correct form not just for tax and income purposes, but for legal reasons. For example, will I be better as a partner or as a principal… and so on.
  • Do I have a correct shareholder or partner agreement?
  • Do I have a correct operating agreement?
  • Am I having the right type of minutes (Marcus doesn’t record your minutes, but makes sure you have the minutes)?
  • Am I having the right type of operating meetings?
  • Is my record keeping correct? Would it hold up in court?
  • Am I able to protect my personal assets from a frivolous lawsuit?
  • Can I dissolve my entity and properly distribute the proceeds?

So many of these questions have to do with consistency and discipline. Engage with Marcus from the beginning and make sure you have him audit your processes – like a part time general counsel.